Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Routeburn Track

The Routeburn Track is one of the great hikes of New Zealand. It is part of Fiordland National Park and is in the vicinity of the Milford Track and Kepler Track. We took 3 days to complete the track. It was great!

Meet "Reo" our 87' Mits. Pajero that we got back in December.
Our little home for the month next to "Reo"

The start of the Routeburn Track

Natalie and Maegen after a good up hill climb

Awesome waterfall on the Trail

We ran out of fuel for our campstove along the way. We decided our only chance of survival was to build an "illegal" camp fire. Mind you this is an area that rains 186 days a year. Johnny's face really shows the frustration of the situation. We did manage to get a fire going! We were very safe about it, and even somehow seemed to impress the Ranger when he came to "evict" us. It was actually no big drama. He ended up inviting us for tea. Well, sort of....

View from our campsite


trudginalong said...

Man, I miss you guys, COME HOME!